

Acupuncture is thousands of years old, yet right now, is probably the fastest growing health modality there is.

Everyone wants to try it or be able to use it. There are Medical Doctors, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, and Naturopathic Doctors who use a facet or aspect of acupuncture in their practice, but why not go to someone who has studied all aspects? Registered Acupuncturists, such as myself, have the most training in acupuncture and understand the Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory behind how it works.

You can explain how acupuncture works in two ways: Western Medicine and Eastern Medicine.


To send or receive any message from one place to another in the body, we rely on a network of kilometers of nerves. These nerves are responsible for all of the body’s processes, including our digestion, our stress levels, and the sensation of pain. So if there is a problem in the body, there is affected nerve pathway. Of the 365 traditional acupuncture points, almost all of them live over nerve bundles. Treating at these acupuncture points can help change and improve the nerve function to a particular region of the body like the back, or a particular body function like digestion.


To have optimum health, we have to have optimum balance. Too much or too little exercise, sleep, or food will causes us to be unwell. So a healthy body is one that is balanced and has an uninterrupted flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients (sometimes referred to as Qi) traveling throughout the body. When there is a blockage impeding flow, there is pain. We can stop pain by removing blockages with using acupuncture points that can specifically treat those areas.

Acupuncture is a safe effective treatment for many of the body’s problems and the World Health Organization agrees. They’ve determined acupuncture an effective treatment for cases of heart disease, numbness and tingling, body pain, breathing problems, problems of the eyes ears nose and throat, digestive disorders, women’s health, emotional disorders, and managing the side effects of pharmaceuticals. Each acupuncture treatment is customized specifically for the needs of the client, with different acupuncture points used for their particular body type, age, constitution, and the problems they’re having.

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